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Workshop: Asanas – yogans fysiska positioner med Karta Purkh Singh
21 oktober 2017 @ 08:30 - 12:30
450 SEKWorkshop: Asanas – yogans fysiska positioner med Karta Purkh Singh
Inom kundaliniyogan finns det mängder av olika asanas, fysiska positioner, som du under det här tillfället kommer få gå djupare in i för att få större förståelse och insikt om dess vikt och påverkan i kroppen. Genom att göra asanas så hjälper vi kroppen att öppna upp och släppa på spänningar, både på ett fysiskt plan och ett mer subtilt plan.
Välkommen att vara med på en workshop med en av våra lärare under kundaliniyogalärarutbildningen, Karta Purkh Singh – en inspirerande och mycket erfaren kundaliniyogalärare som undervisar internationellt.
Pris: 450 kr
In this workshop you will learn the underlying principles of Asana (or posture) one of the eight limbs in the practice of Yoga. It will help you to make your own practice more centered, effective and fulfilling. What you will learn will furthermore enable you to lay a better foundation for the other parts or limbs of Yoga such as Pranayama or meditation. As a teacher you will be able to teach more precisely and last but not least you will learn to practice in a way that keeps you more healthy and prevents the possibility of injury.
Karta Purkh Singh came in touch with Kundalini Yoga while he was in university. He fell immediately in love with this rich and living science and soon felt the urge to share this experience and teach it.
Today Karta Purkh Singh is a KRI certified specialized trainer in the area of anatomy, Asana, posture and Kundalini techniques. He runs a practice for Yoga Therapy as a certified alternative practitioner since 1998. He also is the CEO of the Kundalini Yoga Teacher association (3HO) in Germany.
He is a Level 1 and Level 2 Kundalini Yoga certified teacher with over 25 years of experience.
Karta Purkh Singh lives with his wife and daughter in Hamburg, Germany.