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9 april 2021 @ 17:00 - 11 april 2021 @ 15:00



260 (350) hours professional training to 3HO Kundalini Yoga Therapist Level 1. Approved by 3HO.
Starting 9 April 2021.

Goals of Professional Training Kundalini Yoga Therapy

The professional training is designed as a basic training for yoga therapists. The goal is to equip people with the necessary means to use Kundalini Yoga therapeutically. The approach of the training is based on the knowledge that all individuals carry within themselves the resources and means to become healthy and creative human beings. Through attentiveness and respect, yoga therapy creates the necessary conditions for the healing and growth of body, mind and soul.

We consider therapeutic Kundalini Yoga to be both, a preventative and a therapeutic measure. The training will focus as much on psychological as on physical aspects of healing. We teach our trainees to evaluate the specific needs of each client and to design a yoga therapy program to meet those needs. Another component of the training is the development of skills for the therapeutic work with groups who share a common topic or diagnosis.

Yogi Bhajan bestowed us with a rich treasure chest of knowledge and healing methods – we will pass these on as practical tools and explore their therapeutic efficacy. A central focus is to penetrate the knowledge-base of kriyas and meditation to convey a more in-depth understanding of their subtle effects. Yoga therapy is an ideal answer to the complex challenges of our time.

The training will enable the trainees to work with yoga therapeutically, in individual and / or groups settings. All yoga teachers will benefit from a deepening of their yogic knowledge and their consultation skills, allowing for more differentiated and knowledgeable teaching.

Course Content

Module 1 – Consultation expertise and therapeutic communication
Consultation and evaluation settings present complex processes that cannot be satisfactorily resolved using established formulaic approaches. They require flexible, process-orientated communication skills, which will be presented and practiced in this module. This module includes: basic therapeutic skills, conversational skills, therapeutic stance, handling difficult conversational situations, limitations and opportunities of yoga therapy.

Module 2 – Awaking the body’s potential
In Yoga, healing means re-establishing, strengthening and harmonizing the connection of body, mind and soul. The focus of this module is to understand this connection and to facilitate and support the healing process through the use of Kundalini Yoga. By this means, clients with specific concerns or with physical limitations can be treated with higher levels of competence and with more options. In addition, this module will build on and deepen existing knowledge about asana alignment and the major body systems with a particular focus on how to employ these in a practical and relevant way.

Module 3 – Mental health and solution focused strategies
This part of the training will focus on how to successfully cope with and overcome times of crises and transition. In this context, Kundalini Yoga’s specific knowledge of pranayama and meditation comes to the foreground. We will address the following topics: Moving from fear and depression to trust and balance; burn-out and stress management; addiction: from searching to finding; relaxation and meditation: experiencing and applying our limitless potential.

The training is designed for

  • Yoga teachers who want to employing yoga skills therapeutically
  • Yoga teachers who would to work with people in medical facilities using yoga therapy
  • Therapists, body workers and doctors who are looking for a holistic treatment approach for their clients

Required experience

  • Certified Kundalini Yoga teachers
  • Yoga teachers from other traditions (minimum 200 h teacher training)
  • Therapists, body workers and doctors with at least 3 years of Kundalini Yoga experience and practice (please contact us)


Including 25% moms (VAT)

9 training weekends, one 4 day retreat and one 3 day retreat in 3 modules. One exam weekend. All modules can also be booked individually

The course fees include the registration fee, the tuition, the seminar room costs and the training book.

Total Training: 33 500 SEK

This amount consists of:
Registration fee: 3 500 SEK, paid at registration
Tuition fee: 30 000 SEK, due 4 weeks before the beginning of the training

Module Payment: 12 300 SEK / module

This amount consists per module of:
Registration fee: 1 900 SEK
Module fee: 10 400 SEK, due 4 weeks before the beginning of the training

Additional costs

Retreats 4 days (Module 1) and 3 days (Module 2). About 2-2,5 hours from Stockholm.

Cost for Accomodation and Food during Retreats: will be posted soon

Exam weekend: 1 950 SEK


If needed, during training weekends.

Blå Blom Hotel (blablom.se), next to Värmdö Yogacenter, discount on their regular prices. Contact us for more information.

Possible to stay at Värmdö Yogacenter to a low cost. Bring your own mattress and bedclothes and let us know before each training weekend.


Karta Purkh Singh Pomarius

  • Naturopath with his own practice
  • Therapeutic Yoga and NLP
  • Executive Director 3HO Deutschland e.V.

Anja Lührs

  • Naturopath
  • Shiatsu therapist
  • Lecturer and trainer for 3HO Germany and Europé KRI Professional

Antje Suraj Kaur Kuwert

  • Trainer for Kundalini Yoga teachers
  • Professional training for yoga teachers and yoga for people with disabilities
  • Sport therapist

Eva Guru Sant Kaur Pawlas

  • Studied German philology and psychology
  • Gestalt-Therapist, Psychotherapist (HP) with her own practice
  • Psychiatric nurse, advanced training in addiction research and treatment

Petra Mayer

  • Sociologist
  • Naturopath
  • Yoga, Ayurveda and systemic-integrative therapist


9 april 2021 @ 17:00
11 april 2021 @ 15:00
Event Categories:


Värmdö Yogacenter
Odelbergs väg 9A
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Värmdö Yogacenter
0700 059515
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