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Divine Alignment & The Heart Rules / Divine Alignment Instructor
3 november 2018 @ 09:30 - 4 november 2018 @ 16:00
2300SEKDivine Alignment & The Heart Rules / Divine Alignment Instructor
Yogi Bhajan asked GuruPrem, Simran Kaur’s husband, to write a book & teach how to practise Kundalini Yoga “correct”. This weekend course invites you to these concepts and applications.
Learn how to practice and teach Asanas & Kriyas correctly:
✓ Find an ease into even challenging Asanas and Kriyas.
✓ Safely approach any asana at any level, also any asana which may have hurt you or you are afraid to try.
✓ Learn the building blocks and secrets of the Asanas.
✓ Find the power of the Bandhas, where, when and how much.
✓ Discover how you can practice enjoying being in your body.
✓ Unlock the patterns of tension in your body and mind, so that you may relax and listen to your soul.
✓ Learn how to comfortably sit and meditate deeply.
This course is open to all serious practitioners! It doesn’t matter if you are a beginner, a long time practitioner, or even an expert. You will improve your ease into postures, your flexibility, breathing, strength, movement, and awareness of your body and how to express yourself. And we will have fun!!!
Details about the weekend:
• Time: Saturday, 03 November 09:30-17.00 Sunday, 04 November 09.30-16.00
• Place: Nordic Yoga Center, Arbrå www.nordicyoga.se
• Price: 2.300 kr for the weekend (including snacks & lunch)
• Material: We recommend you to buy the books Divine Alignment & The heart rules Both books will be available at the course
• Other: max. 18 participants (first come – first serve)
Instructor Training Certification
This weekend is also an opportunity for you as a yoga teacher to certify as a Divine Alignment Instructor.
Requirements for this Certificate are:
➢ Fully attend and participate for the entire 2 days of the course
➢ You have to be a KRI-certified KY TT-Level 1 KY Teacher or already be a 200 hour Certified Yoga Teacher in another Yoga Tradition
➢ Take the Divine Alignment written exam and pass with 85% or better.
➢ Teach two Asanas during the course using the terms/language from the Divine Alignment course.
➢ Studying, reading and practicing with the following books: Divine Alignment & the Heart Rules (paper or electronic)
➢ Successful completion of 40 days of an assigned Kriya of self-practice using the terminology from the course and “Divine Alignment” and “The Heart Rules” books.
The course is certainly geared towards teachers and teaching. You will learn something new that can enhance your ability to teach others to approach asana safely.
Simran Kaur is the Lead teacher trainer of Divine Alignment & The Heart Rules. Simran has taught Yoga for over 20 years & studied & taught extensively with her husband GuruPrem – who Yogi Bhajan declared “The Master of Postures”.
Registration: ☏ +46 (0)79-34 88 717 – or write to sks@nordicyoga.se